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Hight Quality IWC Big Pilot Replica - Hight Quality IWC Big Pilot Replica for sale

IWC Big Pilot Replica

The 2013 IWC Big Pilot Replica results are now revealed. IWC Big Pilot Replica Automatique is the winner of the Tourbillon category. Tissot won two first place awards in the Classic Watch category with its Calibres 86.501 and 86.502. Louis Moinet took third for their Mecanograph. Mathieu Doik is the winner of the school category. The competition was held under the supervision and in partnership of the Swiss Chronometer Control Office, the Besancon Observatory in France and the Haute Ecole Arc Engineering College in Le Locle.

This important competition, which is meant to showcase the expertise of the watchmakers through its scientific approach and methodology, has a unique feature: only timepieces that pass all three chronometric testings are eligible for the prize competition. The International Chronometry Contest, which was relaunched in 2009 with the aim of following the tradition established in the nineteenth century, was held for the third time. The competition began on May 30 with 38 watches from 30 participants.IWC Big Pilot Replica It ended four months later.

The competing models were divided into three categories: tourbillon watches, classic watches, and watches made by schools. They all underwent a series of tests to test their mechanical performance, as well as their resistance to shocks and magnetic field. Twelve of the twenty watches in the "Classics" category were able to pass all the tests. In the Tourbillon section, only L.Leroy’s model was able to'survive' the test and win the first prize. Twelve watches were made by schools (CIFOM Le Locle CEJEF Porrentruy Carrousel des Montres La Chaux-de-Fonds). One participant chose to remain anonymous and was therefore automatically excluded from winning. In accordance with the rules of IWC Big Pilot Replica only the winners' names were revealed, and other results remained confidential.

Claude-Henri Chabloz, President of the IWC Big Pilot Replica confirmed that the tests were very demanding. You have to complete all three 15-day test just to be able to finish. As an example, using Formula One,Richard Mille Replica the watches would have to participate in three Grand Prix races without pit stops! In such circumstances, a podium is even more impressive", said Mr. Chabloz.

L. Leroy was able to win 794 out of 1,000 possible points. This was enough for first place. Tissot won 878 points and 850 for their Calibres 86.501 and A86.502 respectively, in the Classic Watch Category. Louis Moinet’s Calibre LM31 took third place with 728 points.
